We callroad transport, the activity which consists for a company of executing a contract or a service whose principal object is the movementof goods (including moving), or of people.
To perform
road transport of goods or passengers (unless exempted or waived), you will need to obtain a
Another possibility is to hire a
First, you need to determine the activity of your future transport company, thus allowing you to define the vehicles you will use. Depending on the maximum authorized weight (PMA). In all cases, two options are available to you:
A regulated profession:
Except for transport on own account, the conditions of access to the profession of road haulier are defined at European level by the
"Road Package".
We call "road package" all the rules resulting from the adoption by the European institutions, in October 2009, of three regulations, which concern respectively the conditions of access to the profession of transporters and the conditions of access to the transport market, both for goods and for passengers.
The 4 requirements to meet to access the profession of road freight transporter:
Road passenger transport is divided into three main categories:
A regulated profession:
Requirements to be met to access the profession of road passenger transport
Authorization to practice or registration in the register
When the conditions of access to the corresponding profession are met, the company is registered in the register corresponding to the activity it wishes to exercise.
Registration results in the issue of an operating permit and then a transport license.
Transport tickets issued to road hauliers
These transport titles allow companies to access the national market for domestic transport licenses, and the national and European market for community licenses.
Community license
when the company uses coaches.
For the above activities, certified numbered copies of the licenses are issued to be placed on board the vehicles.